Thursday, May 25, 2006

Burmese Python explodes after eating alligator

Apparently, this is a burmese python, with its head missing, and an alligator protruding from its stomach. I can't actually make out which end is which.

Must have been a great battle though.

Burmese python is name of blog as I was quite taken with this story at time of blog establishment.

Saturday, May 20, 2006

Friday, May 12, 2006


It's just so much easier to understand, this way.

Wellington sprayin'

Monday, April 17, 2006

Dunedin Street Art April 2006

Public art, architecture, ads, stencils and paste-ups from near Dndn Uni. My favourite is the suited guy squeezing the can. Followed by Tiger. The pics are quite small coz it takes ages to upload them. Gareth is creepy, Batman is detailed.

Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Stencils in Melbourne April 2006

Girl with stencil can on side st off Flinders St. I think the st had Zambesi on it.

Man with glasses, and Skeletons same place.

"Jesus died for our buns", big pink wall, "Sydney Wannabe" just off Degraves St.

This rad paste-up is under a bridge at the bottom of Williams St. I saw another one of this from a train in Sth Melbourne, plus other similar ones from train too. Looks awesome.

Saturday, April 01, 2006

National Front march in 2004 with pics

Here are some pics from the National Front march and counter-rally in Wellington, NZ, on a Saturday in late November 2004.

There are some curious characters in these. One photo is of the stock-protest-punk-counter-hegemony crew that attend every single left-wing march ever to occur within walking distance of their abode. Topic? No, it honestly doesn't matter, if its Left, these guys'll be there.

I'm right behind civil action and keeping informed about what's going on in your community, but the exercise of judgement in doing this is crucial too, I think. Your cause loses a lot of credibility when you attend every possible form of left-leaning protest. I understand also that a bunch of "pro diversity" marchers physically attacked some NF members: I note gross hypocrisy out of faux anarchists.

Two photos are of the National Front members themselves. See if you can pick them. I asked Kyle Chapman (I think he's spokesperson, or president?) what he thought of the view that national borders are arbitrary. He pursed his lips.

One if of my friend that I shall refer to as X, holding up a sign that says "Free Immigration! Free Trade! Sick of National Socialism? Try International Capitalism". At least his statement is thought provoking. And lord knows that plenty of the attendees at this march needed all provocation possible in the direction of independent thought.


These are some rad stencils that I have photographed around Wellington. I like stencils because they represent planned art. Also, the artist has no financial incentive, so stencil art is not prey to "selling out".

These ones are some that I find amusing, or beautifully detailed, or politically relevant, or nostaligic. I'm sure you'll be able to match picture to description no trouble.

I wrote to the Wellington City Council to ask what their position on stencilling was. I observed that the Council appeared to have used stencil art to promote the "Spring Festival".
I am still awaiting a response, I think its been five months. They must be doing a legislative review.

There was a great exhibition/show at Happy where stencil artists created huge complex anatomically correct/ exaggerated / unlikely concepts and sprayed up a storm. I learnt that the way to spray for consistency is short, sweeping, strokes with a firm depressions of the nozzle. Unfortunately I hadn't my camera.

I am going to Melbourne tomorrow, I intend to snap up a storm of stencils over there, unless this cool art has all been washed off prior to the Commonwealth games. Apparently banksy called Melbourne a "Mecca for stencils" once.

I'll let you know whether its still true, tho perhaps with a little less authority than Banksy.